Saturday, November 6, 2010

Yeah, Diwali today.. crackers, sweets.. people... greetings... diyas..... yeahhhhh.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We lit diyas all around our house.. sweet little little ones... took up pics..

Had some sweets.. and to Honnis we go...... We light another batch of diyas there.. there are children everywhere.. there are sparklers.. there are flowerpots..there are 'chakras'.... there are rockets.. there are pitter pattering little crackers.. and the awesome ever famous.. always in demand 'Ola Paddak'. Its a beeeeeeeeeg beeeeeeeeeg Hullabalooo..... Everyones laughing.. shouting... talking all at the same time.... We run through the smoke.. jump over the flames.. squint through the flashes... We scream at the top of our voices imitating a Banshee type cracker called 'Kurava Poo' which gives out a wail when lit... we howl at the flop outs... we applaud the loud ones.. our hands are busy moving around, they write out names.. they draw pictures.. and yet find their ways to block our ears... we dance with sparklers.. yell at the quick tingles.. try to invent new ways to burst the varieties of crackers in our reach...

We hurt fingers.. we bump feet... we scare the grown ups.. we even burn a hole through someones chaddi.. We are having soo soooo soooooo much fun... and the next moment.... we are pelted with Rain.... Run.... Run.. Run.............
And zap.. everybodys inside.. there are no more crackers.. no more bangs.. no more rockets shooting up through the sky... its quiet.. like someone put a switch off....

Wheres Diwali now?????? We are waiting with our faces stuck to the window.. when will the rain stop..???? Waiting... .... ...... ..

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