Thursday, July 15, 2010

There was nothing to do, so me and Legget were playing cards. And who should pay us a visit but Shakespear.. He had travelled all the way just to see me. Know why??? He wanted to meet me personally after he had read my poetries. He said they were so tragic and sad and pathetic that he had to meet me.
I think he was hurt. I mean he is after all the Master of Tragedy. Well he praised my works and we discussed as to how the emotions for such poetries came and Legg was so bored that he fell asleep, and we went on talking for about an hour. He was so awed by my Maxriter Pen that he decided to take it back with him. He also read out one of his works... well I wasnt listening.. I was paying more attention to his clothes.. Awesome.. Wonder if I can infuse that style in my designs.
And then it was time for him to leave. Poor man.. he has to travel so much to get to his era... But I dont mind.. He chose to come.. i never asked him to.. did I???
While leaving he held my hand and said to me.. "Roopee, my dear, my child... Thou art such a superrrrb writer, but I beseech of thou, this one favour... By grace donot write too much.. or thou shalt put me out of business...!!!!!!!" I was so flattered and honoured... But the smirk I caught on his face struck me right on my forehead.. Stupid me to fall for all this.. He was just being Sarcastic in all his praises and good words... How could he?? And he took away my pen too... He left me Shaken and Speared awrite..!!

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