Tuesday, May 18, 2010



Cool na.. giving dates to junk makes it look all formal and journal like. I likey. I m in the living room. Sitting on the floor. Sipping on Milk with honey... With the lappy. Sorry bro, I stole it from yer room. Typing away for fun. Why is it that typing is harder than writing..? Thoughts flow better onto pen than on the computer???? Why???? Well thats nothing that should matter me for now. Whats the unfortunate topic of my blog today??? Power.

Power is Earth. Power iss Sky. Power is everything. Our mere existance itself is Power. Power of Life. Power is Everything. Everything is Power. Think about it. Why do we do the things we do?? Its either to claim or earn Power or to prove or show Power. We speak to show our power over our speech and our thoughts. We think coz we have the power to do so. We walk on the power of our legs. We hear coz we have the power to do so. We die when Death overPOWERS Life.
Ok take little little things like the way we drive our vehicles, why we overtake, the importance we give to studies and our positions in class and for some the carefree attitude they show towards studies, the way we work or not work be it at office or at home, the way we stay out of home with friends or away from everybody, the way our mood changes or our attitude changes, the way we hurt someone with words, with actions,everything.. everything is dependant on the power we want or want to prove. Power isall that matters. Its all that lives. Be it the Power of Money, Love, Emotions, Relations, Sentiments, Hate, Anger, be it Physical Power, Mental Power, Artistic, Linguistic whatever and wherever.... its all Power.

So where do we get this Power from????

Brittania Milk Bikis....
Tin tin-ti din......

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