Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A walk down the lanes...

Brazil was playing yesterday... Mr.Mooondu was busy. So I thought of setting out on a walk by myself.
This time it was not the Sofa shuttle but my Almirah timer that came handy. I set the timer to "Once upon a Time, very loong loong ago.." and Whoosh.. with a pull through my navel I was transported to 'Banned Eden'. Oh, that place is still beautiful, even without anyone to tend for it. There were trees laden with fruits.. flowering plants by the dozen.. by 10000 dozens... grass everywhere.. lanes carved out amidst for walking.. and animals. Ever friendly animals of so many kinds... Oooohhhhh so d%^& (no swears in Gods land.. it gets automatically beeped out.. you can try for urself..) beautiful. And there were also placards afixed around which said.. "Donot feed Human beings".. "Keep Hands off Human Beings.".. "Human Beings Bite.".. and so many more warnings... It was overwhelming.. Ha-Ha.
I even saw Adam and Eve, all with yellow hair and Blue eyes and Clothes made of leaves.. (Eve's tunic was kinda Lovely..), when I looked over the fence, having a Tea with Apple pie and Dried Apples (They still eat Apples there.. the smell could not be mistaken at all..). I took a leisurely walk down the curves. My time was up. I had to get back home before Mom missed me. So I set out. On the way I met The Flinstones. They invited me for dinner..but hey I dont eat Steak cooked Raw. Sorry.

Psssstt.. The Snake offered me a Orange this time.. ???? What is it with me and Oranges???

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